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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00


  梦见坐汽船在海上行驶 朋友运上升。将不断增加新的朋友,从朋友那里可以获得许多知识,每天将过得非常充实

  梦见在池塘或湖水中划船 抽签运上升。如参加报纸、电视等的有奖猜谜活动,你的中奖率这时应该很高,可以踊跃参加

  梦见所坐的列车发生事故 人际关系将恶化。尤其容易遭到邻居的误解,在背后指指点点。日常生活可不能太随便呀

  梦见坐飞机 学业方面 尤其是音乐、美术等技能科目,将非常顺利。这时学习英语会话,也是进步的良机

  梦见搭上便车 性方面出现阴影。你将受吃禁果的诱惑。要避免这种情形的唯一办法,就是要断然与其绝交。千万不可自甘堕落

  梦见从飞机的窗户往下面眺望 爱情运将不如意。鼓起勇气写信给意中人,结果却是石沉大海 难免会有几天的痛苦啊

  梦见坐在在大楼之间行驶的电 生活将开始忙碌。将为受人委托的事而东奔西跑,连休息的时间也没有。但助人是快乐的

  梦见自己驾驶汽车 精神方面出现问题。这是由紧张的情绪郁积所致。应该选一个假日,跟几个要好的朋友去爬山

  梦见列车爬上急坡 健康方面出现阴影。尤其注意 心病 。如果想不开,将会患上神经衰弱。把心情放宽吧

  梦见帮忙做家事而获得小赏金 表示与家人的关系非常融恰。这时可以向父亲大肆撤娇, 骗 取更多的零用钱

  梦见坐在高级列车上 朋友运下降。因为你的竞争意识太强,所以让别人敬而远之。尤其在考试之后,这种现象特别明显,实在有反省的必要

  梦见列车穿过隧道 心中的愿望可能实现。如果有想要买的东西,这时不妨开口,即使是昂贵的东西,大概也可以得到

  Dream of traveling by steamer at sea -- Friends carry up. Will continue to add new friends, from a friend there, can get a lot of knowledge, every day will live a very full

  Dream in the pond or lake boating transport -- draw up. Such as in newspapers, TV s award-winning riddle-guessing activity, you win prize rate at this time should be very high, can attend

  Dream of the train accident -- interpersonal relations will worsen. Especially vulnerable to misunderstanding in neighbor, pointing behind. Daily life can not be too casual.

  Dream of flying -- academic -- especially the music, art and other skilled subjects, will be very smooth. When learning English conversation, but also progress opportunity

  Dream of a lift -- in terms of shadows. You will eat the fruit of temptation. To avoid this situation the only way is to flatly, and john. Never give up all confidence in oneself

  Dream of from the plane of the window overlooking the love below -- will be unhappy. Pluck up the courage to write to someone, but no echo ... ... There will be several days of pain.

  Dream of sitting in the building electric -- running between life will begin to busy. Will be commissioned and run around here and there, even the rest of the time is not. But it is happy to help people

  Dream of driving a car -- mental problems. It is composed of tension cholestasis induced by. Should take a holiday, and several friends to go mountain climbing

  The train climbs steeply sloping dream -- health aspects of shadow. Especially pay attention to the heart . If you want to leave, will suffer from neurasthenia. To relax your mind

  Dream of helping with the housework and obtain a small bounty -- Representation and family relationship is very harmonious. Then you can ask his father to remove Jiao, cheat for more pocket money

  Dream of sitting on the train transport decline -- friends of senior. Because your sense of competition is too strong, so let other people at a distance. Especially after the exam, this phenomenon is particularly apparent, it is the necessary reflection

  Dream of trains through the tunnel -- desire may realize. If you want to buy something, there is no openings, even though it is expensive, it can also be
