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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00


  梦见把新买的衣服穿在身上 健康方面亮起红灯。总是感觉疲劳,在学校也总是心不在焉。上课时小心不要打磕睡,会挨骂的

  梦见穿着最时髦的衣服在街 人际关系良好。今后半年将不会与别人发生争吵,可以过平静的生活

  梦见牛仔裤太紧无法穿上 金钱运下降。经常有朋友来约去吃冰淇淋或吃水果,你却将不知如何是好。也就是说,你将为交际的广泛和口袋的寒酸而感到进退两难

  梦见穿不合脚的鞋 爱情方面将发生意外。情敌出现的可能性很大。这时不可大意气用事,如果对抗意识太强,反而会引起情人的厌恶

  梦见耳环大重使耳朵发痛 异性方面将产生波折。意中人对你不理不睬,却受讨厌的异性百般纠缠,真是有苦无处诉

  梦见园穿着太落伍而感觉羞 将有幸运事发生。尤其在恋爱方面,将会有所收获,可以期待与所喜欢的异性开始亲密交往。如果你早已有情人,两人的关系将更加亲密

  梦见衬衫等被铁钉钩破 朋友运下降。不经意说出的一句话,很可能伤害到朋友。祸从口出,要小心哪

  梦见帽子披风吹走 考试运大幅度上升。在考试前偶然翻阅教科书,结果考题统统出自那几课 也就是运气好

  梦见戴上好几枚戒指 财运急速上升。也许将有巨款收入。买小东西要张发票,结果中了奖

  梦见在委托行或时装店购物 恋爱方面蒙上阴影。你与情人之间虽然很如意,你的心却被另一异性所吸引

  梦见穿着内衣裤在外面走动 身体方面的不良征兆。很可能罹患呼吸系统的疾病。首先要小心别着凉,暂时不要熬夜和夜间游荡

  梦见在超级市场大买食品 人际关系运好转。尤其好友之间的来往更加密切。休假日将互相造访、结伴郊游,可能会越来越忙

  梦见在百货公司买这买那 虽然微不足道,可能会有小小的快乐事。譬如很久没见面的朋友来信;或父亲临时又给你零用钱等等,可以度过心情愉快的一天

  梦见在鞋店购物 金钱运下降。把钱借给朋友,对方却将这事忘得一干二净,又不好意思向对方提起,只好自认倒霉

  梦见在工艺品店中购物 在异性方面有吉兆。在这两二个月内,必然能与理想的异性接近

  And dream to buy new clothes to wear on the body -- health on red. Always feel fatigue, in the school will always be absent-minded. Be careful not to doze off in class, would get

  And dream of the most fashionable clothes in the street -- good interpersonal relationships. The next six months will not quarrel with others, you can live a quiet life

  And dream too tight jeans to wear -- money down. Often there are friends to eat ice cream or fruit, but you will not know what to do. That is to say, you will be for communication widely and pocket the shabby and feel be in a nice hobble

  And dream not fit to wear the shoes -- love respect to accidents. Rival the odds. You can act on impulse in handling things, if the sense of rivalry is too strong, it will lead to a lover.

  And dream of earrings big heavy to make a pain in the ears -- anisotropic will produce the twists and turns. Wrong people ignore you, but hate the anisotropic and entanglement, really have no department v.

  Dream of the garden, too backward and feel ashamed -- will have a lucky thing. In particular, in love, will be harvested, can look forward to working with the likes of the opposite sex to close contacts. If you already have a lover, the relationship between two people will be more close

  That shirt is nails, broken -- friends shipped down. You say the word, it may cause harm to a friend. Out of the mouth comes evil. Be careful, which

  That hat, cloak away -- exams to rise substantially. Before the exam questions that browses accidentally textbooks, results from that several courses ... ... It is good luck

  And dream of wearing several ring -- wealth increased rapidly. Maybe there will be a huge sum of money income. Buy small things to the invoice, the result of the award

  And dream of in line commissioned or fashion shop -- love shadow. You with their lovers although very satisfied, your heart is another sex appeal

  And dream of wearing underwear walking outside -- physically ill omen. It is likely to suffer from the disease of respiratory system. First of all have to be careful not to catch a cold, do not stay up all night and night.

  In the supermarket to buy food, dream -- carry better interpersonal relationship. Especially among friends and more closely. Holiday will be visited, go outing, may more and more busy.

  And dreamed of in the department store to buy this buy that -- although not worth mentioning, there may be little joy. For example, a long time friend letters; or the father of temporary and give you an allowance and so on, can spend a happy day

  And dreamed a shoe shopping -- money down. Lend your money, the other will be nothing in mind clean out completely, and feel shy to mention, but bad luck

  And dreamed in the crafts shop shopping -- in a heterosexual is auspicious. In two two months, will and ideal heterosexual close
