当前位置: 首页 周公解梦 物品篇 梦见画


更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00


  未婚女子梦见画 会成为老姑娘,嫁不出去

  已婚男子梦见静默不语的画 意味着生活失去了意义 商人梦见画 会遭到损失

  工作人员梦见画 会擢升增薪

  Dream of giving to others painting -- to make new friends

  Dream of the enemy s painting -- is a dangerous sign

  Dream of a wife or lover painting -- with her separation

  Dream to buy Paintings -- sorrow and pain will come

  Dream of nude paintings -- mental stability

  Dream of the monk s painting -- rich life of ease

  Dream of moving picture -- suggests spending soars

  Dream of talking pictures -- dream will one s spirits are flourishing., happy life

  Unmarried men dream of painting -- love crisis

  An unmarried woman dreams of a painting -- will become an old lady, to marry

  Married men dream of silent pictures -- mean life lost its meaning

  Dream merchants painting -- will suffer loss

  The staff of painting -- will make increment
