当前位置: 首页 周公解梦 身体篇 梦见脸色


更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00


  失业者梦见脸色不好看 很快能找到一个收入丰厚的工作,生活会富裕。 将会把敌人打得丢盔弃甲,一败涂地。

  小偷梦见自己的脸色苍白无血 靠行窃能发财。

  已婚女人梦见自己的脸色苍白 将会怀孕。

  商人梦见自己的脸色苍白 收入会减少。

  未婚女子梦见自己的脸色苍白 将会嫁给一位体弱的男子。

  梦见自己的脸不好看 将会忧愁悲伤。 囚犯梦见自己脸色苍白 在亲人的帮助下,能获得自由。

  病人梦见自己的脸色苍白 定会很快恢复健康。

  梦见陌生人的脸色苍白 收入会减少。

  梦见自己的孩子脸色腊黄 收入会锐减。

  小伙子梦见自己的情侣脸色苍白 婚事会遭到女方父母的强烈反对。

  梦见仇人面色腊黄 将会被仇人击败。

  梦见妻子脸色不好看 会与道德败坏、流浪街头的人打得火热。

  Old people dreamed of his face yellow wax -- soon going to die

  Don t look nice dream, the unemployed -- can quickly find a well-paid job, life will be rich. -- will put the enemy to fly pellmell, suffer a big.

  And the thief dream of pale without blood -- fortune by stealing.

  Married women dream of his pale -- will be pregnant.

  , businessman dreamed of his pale -- revenue.

  , unmarried woman dreams of his pale -- would marry a frail man.

  Dream of your face is not good -- will be sad.

  The prisoner of his pale -- in the family s help, to be free.

  Patients dream of his pale -- will recover soon.

  Dreaming of a stranger, the pale -- revenue.

  And dream of their children face yellow wax -- income will decrease.

  Young man dreams of lovers pale -- marriage by her parents strongly opposed.

  Dream of the enemy, pale yellow wax -- will be enemies to defeat.

  Dream wife, don t look well -- will and moral corruption, street people be on terms of intimacy.
