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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00


  梦见与快递员交谈:表明你在不近就要出远门了,这可能是由于有着很长的假期,所以计划出门旅行。 梦见快递员给自己送东西:预示着你会在自己的岗位上取得巨大的前步,这使得你的威望很高。 梦见自己是快递员:提醒你在生活中做事情时一定要小心,否则你将不得不面对事情失入的阴影。 通常,梦到快递员代表了梦者在近期会收到远方来的消息,基本以好的消息为多。

  Dream and courier: suggests that you are not talking just going away, this may be due to a very long holiday, so plan a trip. Dream of the courier to send something: indicates that you will get huge step in their positions, which makes you a very high prestige. I dreamed I was a courier: to remind you to do things in life you must be careful, otherwise you will have to face things fall into shadow. Usually, dream express on behalf of the dream will receive a message in the near future, fundamental to good news for more.
