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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00


  梦见自己是伪君子:暗示你在对待朋友方面做的还不够好,你并没有真诚的与对方交往,只是看重利益关系。 通常,梦到伪君子意味着你会受到某个有着不好企图人的引诱,违下严重的错误。

  Women dream of a hypocrite: that you will be cheated in sentiment, which makes you very hurt, the heart has been very sad. Dream of a hypocrite: you will because of his bad habits, cause you great loss, it is best to make a change. I dreamed I was a hypocrite: suggests that you are dealing with friends do not good enough, you are not honest with each other, only value the interest relationship. Usually, that means you will be a hypocrite a bad attempt were lured by, not a serious mistake.
