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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00








  梦中的烟,有时象征热情,也许出于某种原因,这种热情不敢那么直接,有些朦胧曲折;还象征灵魂的升华,表达了对自我和内心纯洁的追求;有时还代表思想上的净化或一些不快乐的烦恼。 The dream was the smoke choking: may indicate that you finally give up the pursuit of fame thing, or not to face overexert. Soon have ample food and clothing, health, life.

  Dream of the chimney smoke : a harbinger of income increases, business flourishes.

  Wife dreamed of by the smoke choking: may indicate pregnancy.

  Girls dream of smoking: the future of her husband out of the top drawer.

  Married people have a dream: that smoking may occur siyaomianzi living death, husband to name or face strong result, regardless of their own body, or economic status, which led to the contradictions between husband and wife, leading to family disputes.

  Patient: a dream of smoking condition may will increase, will be completely bedridden.

  Dream of the smoke, sometimes a symbol of passion, perhaps for some reason, this passion is not so directly, some dim winding; also symbolizes the sublimation of the soul, expression of the self and purity pursuit; sometimes also represented the mental purification or some happy birthday.
