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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00


  周公解梦梦到洪水滔滔,而你自己掉入水中波逐流,挣札不起,这是大凶之梦,表示你可能身患重病了,而且会卧床一段狠长的时间,并花掉你不少金钱. 梦见洪水冲走你 梦到了大洪水正在侵袭一大片的土地,而混浊的水把你冲走了,失,尤其在感情婚姻上最不愉快,而且狠多最难解决的情形,将会降临在你身上. 梦到洪水,梦到水灾要来钱. 梦见洪水涌到自己眼前,对别人产生巨大影响力的征兆.


  梦见自己的家被洪水冲倒,表示家人之间可能会发生争执.起因可能是梦者双亲之间的事情,这时最好设法沟通自己双亲的感情. 梦到自己的家被洪水冲走,这是与家人发生争执的前兆,火花可能爆发於双亲之间,此时你应该收起你的任性,想办法劝和,就能解决. 梦到河水突然暴涨,在梦境中还有崩塌声、洪水滚滚声,心中还伴随着恐惧的情绪,这是一个狠不好的. 孕妇梦见被洪水淹没,家庭出现分裂,造成家族之间的反目成仇. 梦见道路被洪水冲毁,进行中的事情多坎坷,引发口角或争执. 梦见田野被洪水吞没,卷入别人的纷争而被株连,造成财产损失的不祥之兆. 梦中的洪水,是工作和生活不顺的表现,同时也是灾祸降临的象征,要多注意言行,保持一个良好的心态. 商人如见洪水泛滥,预示将被洪水冲走,生意上可能会有损失. 普通人梦到洪水,预示婚姻上会出现不愉快,或是身材上会出现疾.

  Zhou Gong explain the dream to flood, and you fall into the water to swim with the tide, struggling am sorry, this is a vicious dream, you may be suffering from serious illness, and stay in bed for a long long time, and cost you a lot of money.

  You dream of the flood

  Dream of big flood is attacking a large tracts of land, and turbid water wash you away, lost, especially in the feelings of the unhappy marriage, and many are the most difficult to resolve the situation, will fall upon you.

  Dream dream of flood, flood to money.

  Dream of the flood rushed to his eyes, others have a tremendous influence.

  Dream to flood the earth, and take you away, said the disease, work is not smooth, or love is not happy, will descend upon you, you must be careful in dealing with.

  Dream of self from a distance and hurried to see the flood, means are thinking about how to solve the problem, but also has a clue.

  Dream of falling in the flood, mean that emotion will appear confused.

  Dream home is washed away by the flood, the family may occur between the strife. Causes may be the dream of parents between things, then the best managed to communicate his parents feelings.

  Dream of their home was washed away by the flood, it is a dispute with his family s precursor, spark may burst in between their parents, you should keep your willfulness, to mediate, can be solved.

  Dream of a river suddenly surged, in dreams and collapse, the rolling sound sound, the heart also along with the emotions of fear, this is a very good.

  The pregnant woman dreams of a flooded, family split, resulting in between the house and then become enemies with each other.

  Dream of the road have been washed away by the flood, were the things much, cause quarrel or dispute.

  Dream of the fields were flooded, to get involved in other people s disputes by revolution, causing the loss of property of bad omen.

  Dream in the flood, is working and living with the performance, but also a symbol of evil, must pay attention to your behavior, to maintain a good state of mind.

  The merchant as see the flood, that will be washed away by the flood, the business may be lost.

  Ordinary people dream about a flood, a marriage there will be unpleasant, or in the body will appear.
