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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00


  梦见瀑布淋身 财运隆盛。如果家里开杂货店或做其它生意,其营业额将增加,你的零用钱也会增加。

  见潜入河的深处 这是健康方面的红灯信号。有意外的疾病,如有盲肠炎、肾炎等突然发病的可能。对熬夜所引起的疲劳要特别小心。

  梦见逆着水流游泳 朋友关系将恶化。平时合不来的同学,可能对你有阴险的计谋,小心不要落人人家的圈套。

  梦见顺着水流向下游 万事将如意进行。对意中人,可以展开情书攻势,成功的希望是很大的。

  梦见在河床上露营 表示有良好的游乐。可以与要好的朋友到海边游玩或爬山。但一定要当天回到家,如在外留宿,会引起事故

  Dream of being barefoot over shallow river -- on the character will have great change, will have the patience.

  Dream of the soft -- wealth prosperity. If the family runs a grocery store or do other business, its sales will increase, your money will increase.

  To see into the depths of the river -- this is the health aspects of the red signal. There are unexpected illness, such as appendicitis, nephritis, sudden onset of may. To stay up all night induced fatigue to be especially careful.

  Dream to swim against the current -- friends will deteriorate. Usually incompatible students, you may have sinister plan, be careful not to fall others trap.

  Dream of the current downstream -- we all will carry. On the right, can be launched offensives love letters, hope of success is great.

  Dream in the riverbed camping -- said good pleasure. With friends to the seaside or mountain climbing. But must the day returns the home, such as stay out, can cause an accident
