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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00










  Dreamed that he had no religious beliefs, but opposition to religion of nature: Frank, remain free, often kindness for the sake of others, so as to win a female friend sincere respect, as well as friends of the opposite sex, love, and of course her fullness of love.

  Dreamed I defy religious teachings, but there was no sin: means that she would be brave enough to assume their responsibilities, firmly against deceptive.

  She dreamed of for religious reasons that your heart ready to cry: desire, let her feel disappointed in myself.

  Young woman dreamed of his piety: means she pretended to be innocent and kind behavior, let her feel very hate.

  Dream that in discussing religion, feel is affirmative: suggesting quiet life will be a mess, career will not to be very smooth.

  Dream of the influence of religion in decline: indicates you are not new in order to be different, but moderate innovation, it makes your life more harmonious than before.

  Dream of the religious warning ways to tell you he has to give up his work: that you lift a stone only to drop on their own feet or other disappointed that this dream will come.

  Have a dream to the fanaticism of remorse, means you almost gave up on their own personality, please you in great respect.
