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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00


  男人梦见姑丈:暗示着你会遭遇到不幸的事情,这对你的家庭产生了很不利的影响,生活难以继续下去。 做梦梦到姑丈:代表了梦者内心中的软弱,在遇到事情时不知道如何去处理,你需要学会坚强起来。 学生梦见姑丈:说明你的内心中一直渴望能够在众人面前表现出自己所擅长的一面,为自己赢得别人的尊重。 梦中的姑丈,象征着梦者在现实生活中可能比较无助,生活没有任何的目标。

  Men dream of Uncle: implies that you will encounter misfortune, produce very adverse effects on your family, life difficult to continue. Dream about Uncle: on behalf of the dream in the heart of the weak, in the face of things do not know how to deal with, you need to learn to be strong. Students dream of Uncle: description of your heart always aspire to be demonstrated in front of people, while their own good, to win the respect of others for their own. The dream of the uncle, symbolizing the dreamer in real life is helpless, life without any goal.
