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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00


  梦见自己的朋友是七个小矮人:预示着你将会从你的朋友那里获得更多的知识,这大在增长了你的生活经验。 梦见七个小矮人离开了:暗示你的生活遇到了很麻烦的事情,使你的生活陷入到困境中去,难以摆脱。 梦见七个小矮人在森林中:预示着你的心胸很宽广,所以你将会获得比别人更多的快乐,生活幸福。 做梦梦到七个小矮人,意味着梦者拥有一童趣的心,就像一个长不大的小孩子。

  Dream of friends is the Seven Dwarfs: indicates that you will be from your friends to get more knowledge, this growth in your life experience. Dream of the seven dwarfs left: suggests that your life has encountered a very troublesome thing, make your life into a dilemma, difficult to get rid of. Dream of the seven dwarfs in the forest: indicates that your mind is very broad, so you will get more than others happy, happy life. Dream of the seven dwarfs, means that the dreamer has a childlike heart, like a little child.
