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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00


  做梦梦到朋友重逢:意味着你在现实生活中会发生重大变化,这将完全的改变你的生活,你感到很不适应。 梦见自己和朋友重逢:说明你想要忘却你现在生活中不愉快的事情,去寻求像少年时代那样朴实、忠诚的朋友。 女人梦见朋友重逢:暗示你现在的朋友并不是真心的对待你,有可能是贪图你所拥有的东西,想从你身上得到好处。 梦中朋友重逢,表示梦者渴望回到过去无忧无虑的生活,可能是生活中遇到了麻烦事。

  Dream of friends again: means you will be significant changes in the real life, it will completely change your life, you feel very tired. Dream of self and friends again: that you want to forget you right now in your life unpleasant things, to seek as teenagers sincere, loyal friend. Women dream of friends again: that your friends and not really treat you, there may be just what you have, want to benefit from your body. Dream of friends again, said the dreamer is eager to return to the past be light of heart from care life, may be life in trouble.
