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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00


  做梦梦到选民:意味着你会得罪一个对自己不利的人,这件事原本是可以避免的,你最好小心一些。 梦见选民之间有冲突:说明你的对手将会在某个竞赛中战胜你,这是因为对方占据了主场的优势。 梦见自己是选民:预示着你会在最近的活动中结识到不少的新朋友,大家的兴趣相同,相处的很好。 一般梦到选民,说明梦者在近期会参加一场大的活动,会有很多人参与。

  Dream of voters: means you will offend one of their negative people, it would have been avoided, you d better be careful. There is a conflict between the dream of voters: that your opponent will beat you in a race, this is because the other party to occupy the home advantage. I dreamed I was a constituency: indicates that you will get to know many new friends in recent activities, our interest is same, get along very well. General dream voters, dreams will take part in a big event in the near future, there will be a lot of people involved in the.
