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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00


  梦见庸医给自己治病:暗示你在寻找别人帮助时,找错人了,你所找的人只会给你带来更大的麻烦。 梦见自己是庸医:意味着在工作上,你会做出一件很愚蠢的事情,给上司留下了很坏的印象,这是你应该注意到的。 病人梦见庸医:暗示你的病情加重了,长期卧床不起,给你的家庭造成了很大的损失,负担太重了。 通常,梦到庸医意味着梦者在某方面遇到很大的麻烦,却苦于找不到解决的办法。

  Dream of the doctor to treat their own: that you are looking for help, barking up the wrong tree, you find people who will only give you trouble. I dreamed I was a quack: means in the work, you will make a very stupid thing, left a very bad impression to the boss, this is what you should pay attention to. Patients dreamed quack: suggests that your illness, long-term be completely bedridden, caused a great loss to your family, too heavy a burden. Usually, that quack means that the dream of a great deal of trouble in some aspects, but could not find a solution.
