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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00


  女人梦见自己在法庭上做证人:预示着你为了防止保全自己的利益不受到损害,拒绝了朋友的援助。 梦见证人对反你:说明对待事情你有着敏锐的观察力,能够及时找出隐藏的危险,从而避免自己的损失。 梦见自己是证人:暗示因为你为了应对生活中的诸多琐屑的事情,而做出了不少原本不愿意做的事情。 梦中看到证人,意味着梦者的生活会因为一件事情而有所改变。

  The woman dreams of self as a witness in court: indicates you in order to prevent the preservation of their own interests are not compromised, refused to friends for help. Dream of the witness against you: the things you have keen powers of observation, timely find out the hidden dangers, so as to avoid the loss of their own. I dreamed I was a witness: implied because you to deal with life s many trivial things, and made a lot of things would not be willing to do. See the dream, means that the dream of life because of one thing and change.
