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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00


  做梦梦到口译员:意味着你一直在做着吃力不讨好的事情,虽然责任很重,但却没有任何发展前途,收入又少。 梦见口译员帮帮自己口译员:预示着你的事业在得到别人的帮助后,发展很迅速,只要再努力一下,不久就会取得成功。 梦见自己是口译员:暗示由于你自己个人能力的原因,你只难做一些收入很低的、没有任何技术性的工作。 一般梦到口译员,说明梦者所做的事情最终都是便宜了别人,你出了很多力,但所得到的与你创造的价值差很多。

  Dream interpreters: means that you have been doing a thankless task, although a very heavy responsibility, but has no future, income and less. Dream interpreters help yourself interpreter: indicates that your career to get help from others, development is very rapid, as long as one more try, will soon succeed. I dreamed I was the interpreter: that due to your own personal ability, you only to do some income is very low, there is no technical work. General dream interpreters, dreams of doing things are finally cheap others, you a lot, but the obtained with the value you create a lot of difference.
