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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00


  梦见体育教练指导训练:预示着你的前进的道路上,会有人给正确的指引,让你少走了很多的弯路。 学生做梦梦到体育教练:意味着你的学习或训练很辛苦,但你要知道不经历艰苦的学习,又怎么可能取得好的成绩。 商人梦见体育教练:预示着你热衷于公益事业,为社会做出了很大的贡献,给你带来了很好的名声。 一般梦到体育教练,说明梦者所从事的工作不会给自己带来自接的利益。

  Dream of the sports coach training: indicates that your path, someone will give correct guidance, let you go a lot less detours. Students dream of Sports Coaches: means your learning or training very hard, but you want to know do not experience the hard, how can get good grades. Businessmen dreamed of Sports Coaches: indicates that you are keen to public welfare undertakings, and made great contribution to the society, has a very good reputation for you. General dream sports coach, that dream job not to bring their own since then the interests.
