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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00


  做梦梦到和学徒交谈:意味着你会为某些毫无意义的事物浪费你的财产,很快你就会一贫如洗,只能靠亲戚的救助。 梦见自己当学徒了:预示着你想要完成自己的理想,你也明白自己能力的不足,正在努力拼搏,不停的积累经验。 未婚女人梦见学徒:暗示你近期很不希望出远门,不过你的工作却需要你到很远的地方出差,这让你心情很不好。 梦中看到学徒,说明你在处理一些关于钱财支出的事情时,一定要把握好尺度,以免造成大的损失。

  Dream and apprentice conversation: means you will some meaningless things waste your property, you will quickly on one s uppers, can only rely on relatives relief. Dreamed of when the apprentice: indicates that you want to complete own ideal, you also understand that their own lack of ability, is hard work, the accumulation of experience does not stop. Unmarried women dream of the apprentice: suggests that you really don t want to go out, but you work it takes you far away on a business trip, which let you in a bad mood. See apprentice dream, you in dealing with money matters, must grasp the scale, so as not to cause big losses.
