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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00


  女性梦见水泥匠:表示你现在的男朋友会脚踏两只船,暗中瞒着你与别一个女人交往,你必调查清楚。 梦见自己是水泥匠:意味着你的能力只能让你做一些体力活,靠自己的双手努力赚钱才能养活你的家人。 梦见水泥匠在涂墙:暗示暗中有人对你有着不好的企图,表面上看起来对你很好,但他却是在害你。 梦中看到水泥匠,说明梦者需要多注意周围人的言行举止,这样才可以学习到更多的东西。

  Women dream of Mason said: your boyfriend will have a foot in two camp, secretly hide you associate with another woman, you have to know. I dreamed I was a Mason: means that you can only be let you do some physical work, to rely on their own hands to work hard to earn money to feed your family. Dream of the cement maker in the coating wall: that there have attempted to bad for you, on the surface looks very good to you, but he is in you. See the cement s dream, that dream need to pay more attention to the surrounding people s words and deeds, so that we can learn more things.
