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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00


  学生梦见没有头的人:提醒你的学习进度已落后很多了,你应该赶快再努力学习,以增加自己的能力。 商人梦见没有头的人:说明你的病情很严重,医生无法找出有效的治疗方法,只能根据你的情况慢慢医治。 男人梦见没有头的人:暗示你的思考能力、创意已经失去了吸引力,无法做出有效的决定来挽回你的损失。 做梦梦到没有头的人,意味着梦者已经没有能力处理好某件事情了,陷入危机中。

  The students of the headless man: to remind you of your learning progress has been behind a lot, you should hurry to study hard, to increase their capacity. Businessmen dreamed of headless man: description of your condition is very serious, the doctor can not find the effective treatment method, can only be based on your situation slowly healing. Men dream of the headless man: that your thinking ability, creative has lost its appeal, unable to make effective decisions to recoup your losses. Dream no head, means that the dreamer has no ability to handle something, in a crisis.
