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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00










  Dream of Leadership: recent work suggesting possible would be upset, that and the boss a bit nervous or may indicate that you want to make the momentum setbacks.

  I feel someone behind wants to kill you, make you very much afraid, to see the face, that is your own boss: means that you and your boss, pressure is very big, had better to be able to relax the mind, do not have too much worry and worry.

  Have a dream to lead and work together: means in real life, want to play to their ability but is thwarted, pay attention to the work may will be in trouble.

  Dream of being hated leaders called to, but accidentally saw not the leader but father, dream feel strange: implied authority boss and his father, the heart is extremely resistant.

  Dream of the boss send you the envelope or money: that you will get a promotion or trust.

  Dream of the boss assigned you a difficult task, and in the dream feel very depressed: means that you may receive the due to the human to refuse to delegate or having good friends to borrow money, the task can only promise.

  Business people dream of boss send you the envelope or money: means the original adverse situation, the accident occurrence a favourable turn, the business will succeed.

  Have a dream to own a tribal leader, commander of the men, indicating you can acquire a lot of money.
