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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00






  Dream of the fetus: symbolizes the dreamer has some idea of my life, some of the new special care. Also means that the dreamer s character is extremely vulnerable part, of course, may also have some other meaning.

  Dream of fetal quietly in there to sleep: a dream in real life, if you encounter difficulties, setbacks, the best way is peace, ease, with static apply the brake, the best defence is offence. Is the most suitable one coping style.

  Dream of the fetus is not very healthy hint: the dreamer s early life is unsatisfactory situation, development, development problems.

  Fetal represent an original growing birthplace, on the road of life are the starting point, a new life, dream about the fetus, and the dreamer may exist in the face of difficulties can t handle and demonstrate the regressive behavior, from now to return to the fetus.
