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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00














  梦见发大水是一种好兆头,预示着要行财运。另一方面,梦见罕见的水灾,则不好,暗示会遭敌人反击。洪水具有毁灭性,经常象征死亡,跟圣经里的发大水一样;其次,洪水也孕育着新生命,预示生命的重新开始,经常被视作新生活、新开端的象征。 Dream of home was washed away by the flood: that may be between their parents, the family may quarrel, to control your temper, do not self-willed, help communicate the family relationship.

  Married women dream of flood: remind stand uterine disease.

  The unmarried girl dreamed of flood: that parents would agree with her sweetheart wedding.

  The girl dreamed of flood : that you fear feelings ( marriage ), emotional ( marriage ) in your dreams was meaning for the flood.

  Dream of self from a distance and hurried to see the flood : that you are trying to think how to solve the problem now, and have been thinking.

  If you dream of a flood, destroyed houses, people be confound at, and you are very calm and may control the situation: suggest you heart is eager to take responsibility, or that his leadership has not received due recognition.

  The flood submerged housing dream appear: that your subconscious mind, there is the school, work, family or relationship pressed choking feeling.

  Elderly men dream: a flood will calm died.

  Businessmen dreamed of flood: to remind you to be careful business losses.

  Most people dream of a flood: may portend ill, or marriage unpleasant, pay attention to health.

  Dream of self into the flood: show that you are emotionally may appear crisis.

  The farmer of the river flood: crop.

  Dream of the flood is a good omen, threatened to do. On the other hand, dream of the rare flood, is not good, hinted at by the enemy counterattack. The flood is destructive, often a symbol of death, like the Biblical flood; secondly, the flood also pregnant with new life, shows the life and start a new beginning, is often seen as a symbol of new life, new start.
