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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00


  梦见踩着霜露漫步 会中最高奖。商品的附奖、百货公司的抽奖、彩券等等各种有奖活动都可以参加。你可能连连中奖 梦见身体被露水沾湿 人际关系上有股暗流。尤其与讨厌的科目的老师,无法建立良好关系,小心不要因此而搞得成绩一落千丈啊。

  梦见霜下在原野上 精神方面有问题。整日恍恍倔馏,做事也没有劲。其原因在于熬夜,晚上看小说也要适可而止,充足的睡眠最要紧。

  梦见踏着露水浸步 爱情发展相当不错。两人心心相印,相见时总是恨时间过得太快,因此会在无形中拖延回家时间。至少两次要有一次早一点回家才好。

  梦见霜落在屋顶上 朋友会增多。可能会交上新的朋友,甚至素味平生的人,也可以积极跟他交往。

  梦见朝露闪烁发亮 精神方面可以得到充实。换句话说,这一段时间应该多加思考。何谓人生、何谓爱情 对这些问题做进一步的思考,必然会有新的见解。

  Dream on the frost walks -- in the highest award. Attached to the merchandise award, department stores, and so on all kinds of lottery tickets have award activity can attend. You may again and again winning

  Dreaming of the body was wet with dew -- interpersonal relationship has an undercurrent. Especially with the hated subject teachers, not to establish a good relationship, be careful don t get grades suffer a disastrous decline.

  Dream of the frost in the field -- a spiritual problem. Day dazed stubborn run, do nor strength. The reason is that the late night to read the novel, also should not overdo sth., adequate sleep is the most important.

  Dream on the dew leaching step -- love development is quite good. Two people have mutual affinity, always meet hate time flies too fast, so will virtually home time delay. At least two times once come home early.

  Dream cream fall on the roof -- friends will increase. May make new friends, and even meat flavor of life, also can be associated with him.

  Dream of dew sparkling -- spirit can get full. In other words, this period of time should think much. What is life, what is love -- on these issues to do further thought, must have new insights.
